Only one year later, when I moved to NY, I was able to finally enjoy my toothbrush thanks to Philips' US customer care; 5 minutes on the phone with an agent and a new charging station was delivered free of charge within three business days. Now you're talking!
Last week it was the food processor's turn. I left the cover on the cooker while I was making dinner and the heat melted it. I contacted KitchenAid. My argument was pretty much along the lines of "your instructions booklet doesn't say the product is not designed to resist the effects of a nuclear reactor explosion". My new cover should be arriving within 7-10 business days, free of charge. Dank u wel!
Gotta admit that here in Brussels already a couple of times I brought back a purchased item to the shop, stating it was not working well, and with no further questions I got $$$ back, but they were isolated cases...
Belgian stupidity and slowness rules this country above all.... :-D
la foto è drammatica
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