We nearly jumped out of our skin when we learned yesterday that a colleague who moved to NYC last September decided to go back to Brussels. I find it hard to get my mind round such odd choice. There are job-related considerations behind her decision but also a sense of discomfort or disillusionment with the city. Culture shock? Too many rats? Bagels not cheap enough? I don't know, but this revealing article from the Guardian offers some good possible answers (thanks to M. for sending that!)
It's all so true, but...
... Italy is still Italy
... I'd move to NY or London in a minute
btw, have u found an apt?
zitto tu che ti sei appena comprato la seconda casa di proprieta' a mannekenpis-town!! baci!
e tu ke avresti fatto al mio posto?
PS: salutami Ste... anzi mo' je scrivo va...
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