Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dubious inventions: the lights are on but no one is home

On sale at my grocery store

I just can't imagine how we all managed to get by without this massive improvement to our lifestyles.


Giovanni Stoto said...

non capisco...
ma ke so' mentine x cani?

Frida K said...

For the record, I handed out REAL candy to the kids who came to our door last Wednesday! But, I may buy some of the dog stuff and try it out on the husband.

He'll eat anything:-)It'll be fun!!

And someone has to keep the flag of capitalism and consumerism flying...

Anonymous said...

vabbè... intanto puoi riportarne qualche scatola per Nala (la gattina) e Step (il nostro piccolo Peppe...) per Natale! Poi di lifestyles ne parliamo sotto l'albero :D